
Contract Automation

Contracts provide boundaries, establish cohesive and lasting working relationships – both with clients and external customers as well as with internal partners – and decrease risk in the business. Creating and maintaining contracts is a business-critical task, yet one that is so often disordered and overlooked. 


Introducing contract automation can get you back on track. Automated contract management improves efficiency by cutting out repetitive tasks and minimizes errors. In contracts, language and the tiny little details are so important. Automation can help perfect this process for you, reducing the risk of human error and reducing risk overall for the business. 


Introducing intelligent automation for just this one area of your business can improve profitability through efficiency but also by getting more out of your relationships with clients. 

Years Experience
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Automation Transactions
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Continents Being Served
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3 Steps to RPA Success


To achieve total business optimisation you need to know what needs automating, the resources and timelines required and your ROI. Using a combination of process mining, process mapping, and the jaam discover methodology, we have you covered.


The jaam team combines deep technology expertise and project experience to ensure successful delivery. If you need help with establishing an RPA practice or solving a specific business problem, our team are on hand to help.


We work as ongoing robotic process automation consultants for our clients., although we prefer to think of ourselves as partners. Our membership schemes mean we can support you as you grow your use of RPA over time.

Clever contract automation that help you run your business

Introducing automation is all about making suitable, intelligent technologies work for your environment. Contract automation can support your team by radically reducing repetitive tasks that are time-intensive but also might be low-engagement. It’s still imperative that all tasks are conducted to the highest standard, especially when it comes to something like legally binding contracts. Automation streamlines contract management so that your team can focus man hours on something higher-skilled and more engaging, ultimately improving their relationship with the workplace, but without neglecting the work that must be done. 


Contract management software gives you peace of mind with auto-renewals and reminders as well as helping to ensure compliance for your business. Benefit from customizable templates, designed and white-labeled for your business to speed up drafting any contracts. This will mean you always have an appropriate contract to hand and any updates can be managed globally to save time and ensure consistency. 



Jaam are automation experts. The hottest technologies, finest skills and best people have come together to establish Jaam - a company that puts people at the forefront of automation and robotic processes. We believe that businesses are human. The solutions we build are designed to support the people within your organisation.


Successful transformation can only be achieved using the right tools for the right job. Jaam supports businesses like yours from idea through to automation, starting with the best and most appropriate software. We bring our deep bench of technology and experience to ensure the best possible result for every project.


Purchasing your technology is only half the process. Now it’s time to deliver. Here at Jaam, our automation consultants will help you cross the line and ensure you achieve what you set out to. From building robots to project management, mapping process to automating workflows, Jaam delivers value for your organisation.

Automation can be intimidating. At Jaam, we don’t want it to be.

Integrate intelligent contract management software

Contracts are just one small task within your business. Perhaps you have dedicated roles to carry out this task or it’s managed by HR and operation teams. Either way, you need contracts that are consistent, accessible, and effective. 

At Jaam, we help you build and deploy automation software and the best technology to support your business. Every software we work with will be to address a specific issue, bottleneck or task within your business. Contracts are no different – they impact everyone. Automated contract management can be integrated with custom and standard CRMs for external client management or uploaded to HR portals for staff. 

Reduce the risk of things getting lost, not being enforced, and miscommunicated by giving your contracts an update. For more information about how automation can boost efficiency and improve staff satisfaction, get in touch with the team at Jaam. We’d love to tell you about some of our successes! 

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