Anton du Toit

Anton du Toit

I'm Anton, Head of Customer Success at jaam. My goal is to help companies, departments, and individual users be more effective through automation by combining great people and great technology.

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The evolution of automation – bringing the power to the people

Graham Penman, our head of automation, has participated as a guest on the rapidMATION podcast show this week to share some of his thoughts on all things automation. In the podcast they ran through the high-level themes from Accenture Tech Vision 2021 and discussed how we see these playing out in our respective markets. They also discussed some of the key technologies that can be used to deliver automation evolution in your organisation such as DruidAI and Re:inferHave a listen to this informative fun conversation


Citizen Development. Power User. Digital Twins. Democratization. These are words being used to describe how automation software vendors are looking to give the power of automation to everyone in the business. Giving people a voice and capability to implement solutions in the way they do their jobs daily and how automation is used within their organisation. These are important themes and an expanding requirement placed on automation software creators. But this is nothing new, just ask anyone how pervasively email and excel is still used to run their businesses and you will see that giving people tools they can use to automate the way they do their work has been an important part of software for the last 30 years. The evolution of this is long overdue, and as such giving users more capability to do this is an important piece of the puzzle.


Our view, as automation experts, is that it is our job is to make it as easy as possible to transfer ideas from people who know and understand the processes in their business to actual automated solutions and doing that as simply as possible.  


@jaamautomation this is our passion.  


We take our customers from the point of understanding their business and processes and help them break those down further into automation ideas that drive efficiencies and innovation.  


Once we have achieved this, we work closely together in turning those ideas into in automation success, real solutions. While delivering these we put in place the structures and tools to ensure it can easily be done again. We believe in creating an automation culture and getting everyone involved in achieving automation success.  


Getting more people involved in solving problems in your business through automation is certainly a step in the right direction.  


Throughout this process we are also educating people within your teams on what the art of the possible is, this sparks new ideas and fosters new automation possibilities within your business. Innovation becomes part of the thinking, which is great, isn’t it? Having the ability to create that cycle of idea to automation success should be a goal for any business today.  

Showing you the art of the possible with amazing technology, and how we can bring those into your business is what we do.  


One of our partners has a value statement that says, “progress over perfection.” They believe that progressing and moving forward is more important than creating perfect solutions that take forever and lack fast feedback cycles. I agree with this (even if it is just a way for me to fight off the inner perfectionist) and building these automation capabilities is where we can start moving forward from using excel and email as the only technologies people can lean on to do their jobs better.  

It does not have to happen overnight – but we can help you put the pieces in place to create this capability, evolving the way you do things better through automation.  


Have a read here to find out how jaam automation can help you build an automation capability in your business.

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