
Robotic Process Automation in Manufacturing

Searching for a better way of doing things in the manufacturing industry is nothing new. Just like all other technologies though, it’s evolved. Where factories and manufacturing companies introduced machines and production lines to accelerate output and improve quality, today they can automate other systems. 


Jaam Automation can help you improve job performance, remove repetitive and tedious tasks, retain employees, and save money. By introducing intelligent and tailored software or processes, manufacturing businesses can thrive. 

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Automation Transactions
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3 Steps to RPA Success


To achieve total business optimisation you need to know what needs automating, the resources and timelines required and your ROI. Using a combination of process mining, process mapping, and the jaam discover methodology, we have you covered.


The jaam team combines deep technology expertise and project experience to ensure successful delivery. If you need help with establishing an RPA practice or solving a specific business problem, our team are on hand to help.


We work as ongoing robotic process automation consultants for our clients., although we prefer to think of ourselves as partners. Our membership schemes mean we can support you as you grow your use of RPA over time.

Maximise production, maximise people with automation in manufacturing the industry

Manufacturing depends on consistency and quality. That’s exactly what robotic process automation can help you achieve. Automation protects against human error throughout the operation or within single departments in the business, such as finance, invoicing or HR. 


Manage and optimise areas of your business currently untouched by technology. From invoicing to logistic automation to inventories and stock optimisation; Automation helps you maximise efficiency and maximise your bottom line. Jaam help you embrace changes that can be made to your business. By working with us, we will help you relieve yourself of bottlenecks and take that next step forwards. It’s not all just about efficiency and producing as many units as possible; automation in manufacturing is also holistic and human focused. 


We help you build better relationships with suppliers, customers, partners, and staff. 

Leverage more data and insightful analytics that you’ve never had access to before to make intelligent, agile business decisions. Adapt and evolve your business to whatever the manufacturing industry throws at you next. 



Jaam are automation experts. The hottest technologies, finest skills and best people have come together to establish Jaam - a company that puts people at the forefront of automation and robotic processes. We believe that businesses are human. The solutions we build are designed to support the people within your organisation.


Successful transformation can only be achieved using the right tools for the right job. Jaam supports businesses like yours from idea through to automation, starting with the best and most appropriate software. We bring our deep bench of technology and experience to ensure the best possible result for every project.


Purchasing your technology is only half the process. Now it’s time to deliver. Here at Jaam, our automation consultants will help you cross the line and ensure you achieve what you set out to. From building robots to project management, mapping process to automating workflows, Jaam delivers value for your organisation.

Automation can be intimidating. At Jaam, we don’t want it to be.

Still not convinced about robotic process automation in the manufacturing industry?

Don’t worry. Jaam are the automation experts with over 20 years combined experience developing automation processes and making companies more efficient, whatever that means to them. 


We work closely with our technology partners to first establish the key areas for improvement and development. Robotic process automation in manufacturing doesn’t require a whole overhaul of the way you do things. Instead, we want to understand the way you do things and build on them; make them less labour intensive. Jaam can then introduce gradual roll-outs and training for entire departments or company-wide to ensure that everyone is happy with new changes every step of the way. 


Jaam Automation can show you real-world examples of how we have helped companies just like yours. Let us show you what we can do, and how we do it. Get in touch for a chat, today. 


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